Research website of Dr Gilbert Price

Unravelling Ancient Mysteries: Exploring Human Evolution in Southeast Asia

Have you ever wondered about the footsteps of our ancient ancestors? Picture this: lush, remote islands in the Riau archipelago off the coast of Sumatra, where the secrets of human evolution may lie buried beneath the earth. Thanks to groundbreaking research funded by National Geographic Grant NGS-59859R-19, we’re getting closer to unlocking the mysteries of our past.

Between May 22nd and June 10th, 2023, our team of scientists, hailing from both Australia and Indonesia, embarked on a journey to explore the islands of the Riau archipelago. Our mission? To hunt for ancient human fossils using cutting-edge remote sensing and modelling techniques.

Imagine peering through the lens of technology to map out the ancient pathways that Homo erectus and other large mammals once traversed through Sundaland, a landmass connecting Southeast Asia to Java. Through detailed modelling, our results pinpointed the Riau Archipelago as a promising hotspot for exploration, where hidden clues to our evolutionary past might be waiting to be unearthed.

Examining a quarry on Karimunbesar Island

Our adventure began with a survey of several islands, each holding its own geological tale. Batam, with its striking red, yellow, and white clay outcrops, revealed layers of sediment steeped in history. From weathered granitic deposits to evidence of tectonic activity etched into the landscape, Batam whispered tales of epochs gone by.

As the expedition continued west to Karimun, the terrain shifted, offering a glimpse into a different geological narrative. Here, granite outcrops mingled with coarser sands and gravels painted a picture of a land shaped by relentless weathering. Amidst the rugged beauty, the soil hinted at a story of acidity unsuitable for preserving fossils, reminding us of the challenges inherent in unravelling ancient mysteries.

Exploring an outcrop at Kundur Island
Exploring an outcrop at Kundur Island

Heading southwards, Kundur beckoned with its metamorphosed outcrops, offering a glimpse into the island’s deep geological history Amidst the rocky terrain, a standing stone stood as a silent sentinel, marking a milestone in the archaeological record of the Riau archipelago.

Bintam held its secrets close, with rhizoliths (plant root fossils) peppering the landscape and rare channel deposits hinting at a dynamic past. Yet, despite the tantalising clues, the elusive fossils remained out of reach, reminding us of the delicate dance between preservation and time.

A promising but unfortunately an unproductive deposit on Batam Island
A promising but unfortunately unproductive deposit on Batam Island

Singkep and Lingga, with their mountainous landscapes and dense vegetation, teased with fragments of pottery and artifacts scattered among weathered clays. Here, the challenge lay not only in the rugged terrain but also in the scarcity of suitable raw materials for crafting tools. This stands as a testament to the resilience of our ancestors in the face of adversity.

As the expedition drew to a close, one thing became clear: while the journey may not have led to the discovery of ancient vertebrate deposits or early hominin presence, it offered invaluable insights into the preservation potential of Southeast Asian islands. From unforgiving geology to the urbanised landscapes of today, each island whispered a tale of resilience and adaptation, reminding us of our shared journey through time.

As we ponder the footsteps of our ancient ancestors, let’s not forget the lessons hidden within the Earth. For in the untamed wilderness of Southeast Asia, the echoes of our past reverberate, waiting to be heard by those who dare to listen.

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Gilbert Price

Vertebrate palaeontologist at The University of Queensland
Gilbert has diverse research interests that include the study of Ice Age megafauna extinctions, climate and human impacts on coral reefs, and development of new fossil dating methods.